Allegations of Domestic Terrorism: Apache County Officials Accused of Intimidation and Harassment Against Joseph Lathus

A series of concerning actions by **Apache County officials**, including alleged arson and false legal claims, have led to accusations that the local government may be engaging in acts that could be classified as **domestic terrorism**. The case of **Joseph Lathus**, a resident of **Vernon, Arizona**, is particularly alarming, with Lathus and his family enduring significant emotional distress due to coordinated harassment from county officials.

**The Fire Incident of June 2022**
In June 2022, a **backing fire** was deliberately lit near **Joseph Lathus’s property**, specifically on **N3540**, with the fire appearing to be directed towards the Lathus family home. Instead of conducting a proper investigation into the origins of the fire, **Apache County officials** attempted to **charge Lathus with reckless burning**, despite clear evidence that he did not start the fire. The burn patterns indicated that the fire was intentionally started near his property, raising serious concerns about **arson** and whether the fire was part of a broader campaign to intimidate Lathus and his family.

The only reason Christopher McHenrys shed didn’t burn down was because Joseph Lathus risked his life and fought the flames off using a push bloom until Vernon Fire District arrived and put out the fire but didn’t investigate it’s origins

The failure to investigate the incident thoroughly and the attempt to **criminalize the victim** of the fire fit a larger pattern of **harassment** by Apache County authorities, especially when viewed in conjunction with the legal pressure Lathus has faced in unrelated matters.

### **False Affidavits and Legal Manipulation**
The case against **Joseph Lathus** does not end with the fire. Lathus has also been the target of **false legal claims**, particularly involving the misclassification of **N-roads** near his property. **Ferrin Crosby**, Apache County’s engineer, submitted a **false affidavit** claiming that the **N-roads** were **public thoroughfares**, which would allow for public road enforcement. However, Apache County’s own website defines **N-roads** as **non-maintained public easements**, meaning they are privately maintained and do not fall under county jurisdiction.

Public Easements = n-roads, not thoroughfares

The submission of this **false affidavit** suggests an effort to manipulate legal proceedings in favor of local officials, further compounding the emotional and psychological toll on Lathus and his family. By using **misinformation** to **pressure Lathus legally**, it appears that county officials are working together to achieve **political or social goals**, possibly related to property disputes in the **Concholakeland Unit 6** area.

### **Domestic Terrorism: A Legal Framework**
In the United States, **domestic terrorism** is defined as the use of **violence or force** to:
– **Intimidate or coerce** a civilian population.
– **Influence or affect government conduct**.
– **Achieve political or social goals**.

The actions taken by **Apache County officials**—including the **attempted arson**, **false legal claims**, and ongoing harassment—align with key elements of **domestic terrorism**. These actions appear to be aimed at **intimidating** Lathus and his family, potentially to **coerce them into compliance** or force them to vacate their property.

Additionally, if these actions were motivated by political or social goals—such as controlling property rights in the **Concholakeland Unit 6** area—then the conduct of Apache County officials would fit the definition of **domestic terrorism** as defined by federal law. Their actions could be seen as a coordinated effort to **influence government conduct** and **intimidate** a civilian population.

Following the burn pattern:

### **Criminal Acts Endangering Human Life**
The fire lit near **Lathus’s home** not only threatened property but also posed a serious **danger to human life**. Lathus, who is already battling **cancer**, was placed in a position of fear and insecurity in his own home. The fire, combined with the legal harassment and the false claims, put both his **physical and mental well-being** at risk. This type of behavior fits the broader definition of **criminal acts dangerous to human life**, which is another key component of domestic terrorism.

### **The Need for Federal Investigation**
The severity of these actions, and their **potential implications**, warrants the attention of **federal authorities**. If local officials are using their positions of power to **intimidate**, **harass**, and **coerce** civilians like **Joseph Lathus**, then this is not just a local issue but a broader concern for **justice** and **accountability**. The allegations of **false affidavits**, **arson**, and wrongful prosecution suggest a coordinated effort by multiple officials within **Apache County**, and an investigation is needed to determine the full extent of these acts.

### **Conclusion**
The ongoing harassment of **Joseph Lathus** and his family by **Apache County officials** raises serious questions about **corruption** and **abuse of power**. The use of **false legal claims**, the **arson attempt** in June 2022, and the coordinated legal pressure point to a pattern of intimidation and coercion. This behavior, if proven, could align with the legal definition of **domestic terrorism**, particularly if it is shown that these actions were motivated by political or social goals.

It is imperative that these allegations are taken seriously and that the proper investigations are conducted to ensure that **justice is served** and that no other residents of Apache County are subjected to similar acts of intimidation and abuse.

Allegations of Domestic Terrorism: Apache County Officials Accused of Intimidation and Harassment… was originally published in Coinmonks on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.


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