I’m telling you because I’ve got the reason. (We can’t miss this one).

Photo by Sam Dan Truong on Unsplash

It’s almost next to impossible to predict what a crypto project is going to do. You put in the work, and get $3 at the end of the day. Sometimes, you just perform a few tasks and get $500+.

For example, in the Moon airdrop, we performed tasks for seven months only to get 8 tokens worth $3. On the other hand, we just joined the DOGS airdrop, connected wallet, performed only one on-chain transaction and received $669.97

Yes, on average, everyone in my Telegram community got $200 — ranging from an amount of $40 to $669—for seemingly doing nothing.

For quick and daily airdrop updates, join my Telegram community.



After the NOT coin and the DOGS airdrop, everyone is asking one question: “What’s the next big airdrop I should focus on?”

While it’s hard to know and answer this question, today I came across a tweet from the Blum CEO, and it totally convinced me to work more and more on this project: BLUM.


And it’s not about to rely only on this tweet. Here’s why I’m putting in the hard work for this airdrop:

Blum partnered with DOGS, and undoubtedly DOGS was one of the biggest airdrops in 2024.Blum already gave an airdrop to their community: in the DOGS airdrop, certain users got an extra 36,000 DOGS tokens. Actually, this airdrop was exclusively for Blum users from the Blum project. (And it’s just the tip of the iceberg).Co-founder of Blum, Vladimir Smerkis, is the regional director of Binance (1). Binance Lab has investment in Blum (2). So chances are, Blum will be listed on Binance.Screenshot

How to join Blum airdrop

Of course, it’s a Telegram bot. So the first thing you need is to have a telegram account. And then follow these steps to get in:

Follow [THIS LINK] to join Blum airdrop.Follow the instructions to start earning points.Complete simple task and play the game.

Top 10 Verified Telegram Bot Miners You Should Take Seriously!

These are my top 10 picks for the year 2024. You may check out the list and join the gem(s) you might be missing.

For quick and daily airdrop updates, join my Telegram community.



The Best & Free Airdrop Telegram Bot (Don’t Tell me I Didn’t Tell Me) was originally published in Coinmonks on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.


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