How to view blockchain usage data

The chainspy landing page

When people talk about cryptocurrencies, the conversation often revolves around price — how much Bitcoin is worth today, or whether Ethereum is on the rise. But how do you know the cryptocurrency is actually being used? That’s why we built Chainspy, a platform that provides detailed data on blockchain activity.

What is Chainspy?

Chainspy is all about making it easier to see what’s really happening on the blockchain. Instead of just checking price charts, you can dive into metrics that show you the actual usage of various cryptocurrencies. For example, you can look at:

Transactions per Second (TPS): Which blockchains are handling the most traffic?Wealth Distribution: How is wealth spread across wallets — are there a few big holders, or is it more distributed?Active Senders and Receivers: How many people are actually using the network?Profitability of Addresses: What percentage of wallets are currently in profit?

These are just a few of the metrics we’re starting with, and you can view all of them in a clear, easy-to-read table format. For those who prefer a visual representation, we’ve integrated TradingView charts so you can analyse this data in the same way you might analyse stock prices.

What metrics/information would you like to see?

We want to make blockchain data accessible and understandable for everyone, from seasoned traders, Web3 developers to curious newcomers. But Chainspy has just started out and I’d love to hear your thoughts. What metrics would you like to see?

I’ll be posting more as we develop updates and new features. Thanks for reading!

Chainspy: a new blockchain usage data provider was originally published in Coinmonks on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.


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